Fantasy Football CUP
...... since 1999 the league tournament for experts
registered online and on www.fantaclub.it
Fantasy ® is a registered trademark of Studio Srl Vit

...... since 1999 the league tournament for experts
registered online and on www.fantaclub.it
Fantasy ® is a registered trademark of Studio Srl Vit
Master-League 2010/2011
-Cup Fantasy Football 2010/2011 GP 24/08/2010 Statute Regulation 2010/2011 GP
qualify for the GP of the 2011 Fantasy Football Cup winning teams of the first 8 days or if plurivittoriose second best (that is the score most of the day).
The GP will be in direct clashes with the board only durta giornate.Inizio of 10 to end the 9 ° 38 °.
30/08/2010 sessions facoltatice
market for the 2010/2011 league optional sessions are already up and running and already established in the alloy on automatic Fantaclub.it 05 / 09/2010 Statute Regulation blue band.
belong to the blue band of immunity for the relegation teams have already won the league and a potential semi-finalists of the GP.