Glorioso General GIPO ,
It 's time to understand what we are worth and how much we want to fun. Soon we will have a place in which to fight our soldiers. Nothing fancy, but adequate for our needs. In fact, the place , was a critical requirement. Said this is pointless wandering imagination too much. We must be practical. Where do we start? Obvious. From what we have:
CROSSFIRE : It is ready with regard to the thumbnails but require some care in the preparation of scenarios and the multitude of scenic elements necessary , if not we want to settle for an ugly and not very intelligible table or playable.
FANTASY WARRIORS: here I must confess that our frankly variants lone hero / HEROIC Leader causing me a sense of frustration. The Point System that we have prepared will not guarantee balance without a disproportionate number of test games (which we can not afford) and especially distorts the beauty of a regulation is unique know the taste of 28mm Fantasy. Well, I do not like. propose a step back and return to the original FW with thumbnails we have and that we must finish painting (Orcs and Dwarves). And if we want to expand, it will be so gradual as not to pose an obstacle economico.Se really want to use the Ancients 1 / 72 I propose a regulation really easy and very much in vogue: MIGHTY Armies. We read in 15 minutes, everything fits and goes around the table to its compact dimensions (60x90).
Good. I believe that you indicate the path that poses less resistance. If you want to respond to critical issues and / or advance counter (e-mail) will honor me to publish his response on this blog.
Signed his nemesis, Gen. PAPP
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