Riccardo Di Santo
While our city is committed to living day by day in the sleepy town typical of the provincial-level government, the mayors of all the provincial capitals of Italy met to discuss the design of fiscal federalism and state property. Why You see, while here we talk about civic lists, or Moscardelli De Marchis and one throttled between "Fazzoniani" and ex-An, the world, but even our country is always the same, go ahead. Now the questions are two: what is the role assigned to the city of Latina and her community (ie the Pontine plain)? But above all, be a role that we have consciously chosen, or one that is imposed on us and which we will have to adapt? We do not know really anything about what awaits us (unless these are not rumors). We do not know if we have a chance to grow and increase our social and political weight in their communities and national or remain in a perpetual cultural and economic recession. Federalism poses a huge amount of responsibility on us all, and if Rome, with the establishment of "Rome Capital", has already been subject to state funding of him, we as a city what we have planned, designed or arranged for our future ? We will be a dormitory town for the Romans, a university town or we can extrapolate a way that allows us to self-improvement plans without being at the mercy of others? Then on top there is the speech the scope of taxation: what is the municipal tax by virtue of the advent of federalism? I remember with pain the picture of city councilors who, laughing, happy as leaving school, walked in the arcades of Piazza del Popolo without any consciousness of the consequences for our city, left without a guide when it was most important that now. What mattered to them, so they can not see beyond the parking lots of the bypass pluridebitrice assigned to a company, not to mention such subjects wide-ranging design projects for our future! We begin to ask questions and give us answers as Latinensi or, if you will, Pontini. E 'game in our becoming a city of south-central worthy of the name can influence its model with other national or a provincial town from which it escapes to search for a different reality that offers chances for the future. Let with the start to take such other demographic reality equal to us, not only Italian, and create a project similar to this feedback to our territory and our reality.
Ps covered parking at the station and various gatherings of Alpine, Sharpshooters and Red Cross nurses are not considered first steps if not older than 30 years!