Well I'm glad that despite my long absence and some misunderstanding in the way, the hobby to proceed. All in all it is seeded well.
The following scenario (with photos in the new headquarters) is all of Gipo , in collaboration with Marco and George, the founding core , hopefully, a bright future wargameistico. Sure Basra and Xfire, meaning "fit" of historical regulation. But we are not purists and then we do not care.
I was not there, however, account to try it soon.
BASRA • scenario for Xfire
• The scenario is, by the attacker, the "reclamation" of an urban area. It is deployed in a company with engineers. • The defender has only one platoon hidden. Also hides two minefields and 2 snipers.
• The game features the svolgersid ello scenario 2 times, roles reversed.
• The winner will be those who complete the reclamation in the least number of initiatives.

striker quickly lose the CP of Engineers because of a sniper and divides them into two groups
The group's most advanced defense leads the platoon to discover its own initiative to intercept .
The bulk of the attacking troops, no engineers, trying to move forward but is stopped by a second land mine.
are needed 10 initiatives to clean up the area.
errors are numerous, and given the inexperience of the attackers (who lose an entire platoon of engineers) this augur well for the playability of the scenario.
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