Welcome to the craziest, exciting and dangerous race of the literary world!
Regulation for runners is obvious:
a common theme.
Welcome to the craziest, exciting and dangerous race of the literary world!
Regulation for runners is obvious:
a common theme.
A story of no more than twenty thousand jokes.
A handful of days to realize it.
An audience in the stands ready to support the fastest riders and mock half-cartridges.
first competition for this old fox agreed to participate in the velodrome, beautiful maidens from the pen supercharged, semi-professional amateur brave and reckless, all ready to give no quarter races.
first competition for this old fox agreed to participate in the velodrome, beautiful maidens from the pen supercharged, semi-professional amateur brave and reckless, all ready to give no quarter races.
Every driver in the race took part in the race according to his limits and his abilities and was supervised no writing or altered in any way.
If you happen-and I assure you-you happen to run into typos or grammatical patterns in subjects rambling or shriveled, keep in mind that this is a race on the dirt road where it counts the most heart and courage that the technique and reasoning, in which only the most foolhardy to attempt felt.
Do not be surprised if you see some pilot end against a side wall or take an escape route after missing a stop: here we run and run significant risks.
the "Writers Death Race" there is no room for tactical pit-stop or telemetry parameters, here you go with your foot pressed on the gas and cross your fingers on the steering wheel, hoping that the God of Speed \u200b\u200b's has good flow and with big tits.
It 's a beautiful day, the sky is clear and the air was fragrant aroma of burnt rubber and exhaust fumes. You are sitting comfortably in the stands, your hat protects you from the sun beating down and the blonde in the third row has just winked. Buy a sandwich and a cold beer and enjoy the moment of peace: soon there will be room only for the noise of the engines rev up and the screeching of the tires and shiny red-hot fireballs take a door with old carts for your amusement and the domination of a dusty strip of land.
This is "Death Race Writers' people.
could ask for more?
for you who are in the stands. Do you see
the two columns here next? Those on the left of the screen. From that it is not difficult.
Clicking on any of the names of the first list, go to his story.
Read it and if you like, give him a vote of appreciation by clicking on the second list of names.
you can vote for as many accounts you want but you can only give one vote to each story.
And if you are just in the mood, leave a comment below the story you just read and say things you have thought of. Feel free to make all the noises it considers necessary.
Between 30 days from today, the story the most votes will win the Writers Death Race.
Easy, no?
This is all we had to say.
If you'd like to know who is to blame for such insanity, blame RRobe (curator) and Ottokin (chart).
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