What speed?
If you ask any physics book will tell you which represents the change of the position of a particle, referring to the time when the change takes place. In other words, the ratio between the distance traveled and time taken to travel. There will also
nice example of the snail, which is located at the point x1 at time t1 and is found later at the point x2 at time t2. But
never be able to describe what the speed is for me. What's my nature and always makes me want to know only once.
pure poetry.
everything happens in a flash: the impact of the striker on the capsule due to the killing of the dog creates a spark that ignited my soul with gunpowder, creating high-pressure gas pushing my sleek and stylish metallic body to the outside.
toward the target.
While the cart is pushed back by the energy released and brought back in place by a spring to withdraw one of the other, win with grace opposite the friction from the barrel, leaving its imprint on my helical grooves a rotary motion along the ground ' longitudinal axis.
E 'at the moment it ceases to be only a matter of physics and aerodynamics. It appears in all its simplicity, the thrilling evidence of my existence.
I was born to bridge the distance between the point x1 and x2, and only the target can not stop my running. No matter who he is.
A wall chipped.
A rusty tin.
A tinkling glass bottle.
soft, warm flesh.
another target, suddenly come between me and the original target.
The same brain that ordered the hand to pull the trigger. Once launched
down my dish has only bend space and time around my slim body. Getting sick. Flatter. Seduce with concave reflections on my cold skin.
speed is accomplished, exhausted.
and run. Chasing
. Until
me no choice but to echo in the air confused.

Trentani Francis. 26. Degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Curator of the fanzine "Omniverse" (free download from the site soon http://www.blue-area.net/ ).
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