The phone rings at the least suitable of the day. Late afternoon, dusk. I gave the job to finish, to complete, but no, nothing doing. Antonio called me from the printers, voice dry and shaken, tells me that the file is corrupted, that the version of Xpress that there can not handle such a complex work, in fact, that not even open.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
me through the phone that Mirco, who manages the station Onimo Xpress.
After a couple of technical information, Mirco I reveals that their version of the program goes back a couple of years ago ', the boss of the printer had to update the program but then no one has ever done to save a few euro, essentially asking me if I may refer the file by saving it urgently for an earlier version.
Farewell cocktail of 19:00, no Campari with friends, I have to work.
I put in front of the monitor that are the 18.45, the job must go to press before 19.15 otherwise we never hand him over for the next day and my client did not have in hand in time for its convention. In fact they are stuck, I have to do it now, I have to do it now. I open the file.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
The file is damaged, does not open, none of it. I close the program, reopen it, do not have time for this bullshit, open this file and do not break!
No, none of it, off all the fonts, they must be messing around, yeah, they must be, I close everything, reboot everything, from fast, fast. No, I do not want to know, does not open and gives me the same message.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
Suspicion of having to redo the work again takes me by the throat, makes me cold sweat.
If there's one thing I hate in this work is a remake twice what you had already done and finished and given to sales, then suddenly I remember my teacher. Any suggestions of my mentors in front of these problems. He, the unforgettable Luciano, a genius who died too soon.
Luciano had advised me, when there is such trouble, opening a new file and then groped clean Xpress to open the corrupted file again.
I do not know why and I do not care to know, but it works. I look at the clock, 19.10, there is still time, if the mail is my help, we, here it is open, resave it to safety with a different name for it! everything ok!
I close everything and reopen everything for verification work. It still works, no:
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Error. Enter
everything Mirco and call to make sure that the receiving time. The
receives and opens it, looks alright, there we are. My client will have his morning-fold company brochure, the day is saved, the bill as well, about 19.22 clock, I still have time.
I can do for sure, I have to do it, I can not miss.
's been less than forty minutes from the call of typography. Now I'm here, sitting at the table of the usual small bar downstairs, sipping Campari with friends without any unknown error.

Paul "ottokin" Bell was born graphic designer and illustrator, writes often without knowing it, writing about everything and everything can be found in this anthology of fiction well without understanding why.
has published a book written and illustrated children's issues for BD (Tales of Campetto) and has a blog (visitatissimo) and a site (less visited) that is redesigning.
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