On his first crime scene were two men who were chatting quietly, arms crossed in front of the corpse.
Sasha was already angry because he was late and the traffic in that city insipid (La Spezia, without "The" they told) was a mess.
In most threatening to rain.
trentacinquina The first man was on the air and had cop.
The second guy was a slim, tall, dressed as a goth, that the scene had nothing to do. Perhaps a witness, Sasha thought, approaching.
"It could be suddenly popped out from behind the corner," he was saying the cop blonde giving a little further, "he or she has invested for the mistake. Then, wanting to provide help, did reverse to go back, but unfortunately she caught again. Seeing that it was already dead, he's gone. Scary stuff, but clearly the mobile has nothing to do. Of course, he would have denounced the death, but we want to stop this? "
The boy nodded Gothic. "Your theory is flawless, Mainardi. Was not a very good driver. Seeing that time was already dead - and as a street so narrow it is difficult to maneuver ... "
" I understand your point, sir, "interrupted the blonde cop. "In your opinion, which is passed over a third time is suspect."
"A Spezia? Not really. "Gothic shrugged. "The other day I saw someone was doing a reverse round."
"I mean," asked the blond.
"Nothing. One can see that he had missed his exit, so he decided to go back in reverse, rather than go ahead and do all around. "
Gothic scratched his chin thoughtfully. "There is a detail that does not convince me, though. The fact that after be his third time over the past has fallen and has finished to crush what remained of the head with a shoe to me indicates a certain bitterness. "
The blonde leaned over to look.
"Ah. I had not noticed. "
" Without taking anything away from your theory, I think it would be more practical to think of a murder. She only like corpses, miss, or is here for some reason? "
Sasha jumped.
had followed the exchange with growing concern, only to withdraw from the situation. The boy had turned Gothic and was watching her with two small gray and penetrating. Except that, look better, it was not just a boy. He must have passed the thirty-five, at a minimum.
"I am the deputy inspector added Sasha Damiani," he said. "Sir?" He added, clearly doubtful.
"Deputy Inspector-added?" Repeated the blonde cop, frowning.
"Ah, yes, yes," nodded the Gothic. "I forgot to tell you. You move Catanzaro, she is here to take your place. "
The blond did not even answer.
"I am Inspector Roberto Mainardi and this is the Commissioner Herman Sensi."
Sasha extended a slightly sweaty hand. "I've heard all good things to you, sir. Of his time undercover in the satanic cult, the value of the coin ... I'm really-
"Eager to make a career, yes, I see. Look, if I were you, I speak directly to Salvemini. "
" It would be the commissioner, "he explained Mainardi, obliging. He took the other a dirty look and said, "Sure, it's not as sexy as the boss."
Sasha smiled nervously.
"definitely thinner. Well, Damiani, take a look too. What do you think? "He moved aside to allow it to see the corpse.
Sasha was cold like a professional while also vomited on amphibians of the head.
Diego, her boyfriend, was manifested in the kitchenette. Greta
At first she had not noticed that it was clearly dead.
"It's still raw," he said, referring to the pasta.
"It does not matter," she responded Diego, making up the head shot.
to put on the alert was not so much the stamp of the supernatural, as he had just remembered that that evening he did not had returned. What was he doing, then, right next to the stove?
"Diego?" She asked, bewildered. "Diego, where the chiatarra?" He added, then.
"flattened," he said, he, with a final gesture.
Greta began to cry without knowing why.
He was approached and had laid a hand on his arm. It was not a particularly pleasant sensation.
"Christ, you are ..."
"Cool. I know. "
Greta had decided to watch it. But what was to be added to the fact that he was dead? There was no question about it, even though he had nothing else usual.
No injuries in plain sight, for example.
Not a greenish color.
no clothes torn.
was just dead.
"What happened?" He asked at last.
He had mentioned the pot. "He goes soft."
Greta had extinguished the fire. "Well?"
"Then nothing. I have put in the car. "
She had covered her mouth with one hand.
"And it was ..."
"Instant, yes. At least that. I'm sorry for your guitar. Tell him, your brother. "
" Yes, of course, will be my first thought, "he replied, wiping her eyes with back of his hand. "But pig fuck, you think that the way to do? You show up here as if nothing had happened, dead? "
" No, I had to first send a registered letter? It was something a bit 'sudden, if you know what I mean. I have twenty-six, fuck. "
Greta opened her mouth to say something - perhaps he meant that was typical arguing even after his death - but Diego had stopped with a gesture. "Go to the door, we'll talk later."
Greta had frowned. "I'm going to open to whom?"
The bell had rung at that point. "At the police. They came to give you the news. "
She had delivered a laugh scraping. "What timing."
"Yeah. If I were you I would put away my jacket before. There's something in his right pocket. "
Greta had established hastily, but he remained impassive. "You told me you had stopped."
"Now I did," he replied, calmly.
Sensi turned on her stomach and gasped for a few seconds.
"Christ," he muttered. He slipped off the condom carefully, the knotted and threw it in a corner of the room, to keep company with her other two boyfriends.
The deputy inspector added Damiani leaned out of his bed and began to rummage among his clothes, which were piled up sprawled on the ground.
Commissioner lived in an attic in the center of La Spezia, a very weird place furnished, where the two were finished after a series of unprofessional preliminary machine. At least the lack of professionalism for Sensi was the norm, and was not at all worried about where they were, but after a while, 'she realized that she would not like to be caught by the road with his trousers down. The rain on the skylight
ticked sleep.
"Tell me you do not mind if I smoke," said Damiani.
"I'm very flexible," replied the other.
She laughed and lit a cigarette and inhaling deeply. "I had never seen someone with a piercing there. But you just emerged from a period of coverage? "
" Not recently, no. I saw that I can effectively groping in the dark without blacks cut the throats of cocks and learn long litany in Latin. "
" Which is what you did before? "
" Yeah. "Does not seem eager to share his experience, but unfortunately it was just what I was interested in Sasha.
'Well, you've won a medal. A promotion ... "
Sensi took a wry smile. "... An imperishable fame, right. I do not think you'd like to know what we have earned seriously. "She winked
. "Apart from the tip of a piercing ..."
"What I consider him an advantage. And it seemed that not even sorry for you. "
Sasha laughed like a fool.
"Still quiet, I am now a productive member of society. The punishment for this crime, it seems, is having to figure out who to Spezia, investing through a hobby. Seen as driving normally could be anyone. "
" It's not that he has much of a case today, "she admitted.
"I realized that the flight had what it takes to become a good detective."
Sasha gave him a polite smile. Had just swept for the third time, then, thought Sensi, educated, with him, had been, but it was nice for him to continue to pretend to appreciate his humor even when he did not understand the jokes. The closer he held the glass on the bedside table because he used it as an ashtray.
"Because I did not understand how or why the case went to bed with his head on the first day of work?" She inquired.
"I'm sorry to repeat myself, but for the career fast you must go to Salvemini. I have known the folklore of the police, nothing more. And my career as fast as I have had. No, I was referring to distraction. It is essential to be able to send an inquiry to hell as quickly and painlessly. The real professionals do it. "
Sasha seemed stung.
"Yeah, well '. If someone had informed me that one today was the fourth victim of a pirate of the road, maybe I would not have seemed so smart ass. "
Sensi turned. He was pale, too thin, her hair matted, long and blacks, and had a tangle of thin scars on the side of his chest ... but it was not bad.
"I was joking, Sasha," he said, soft, and she clearly understood that this was the first and last night we spent together. What I did not understand was what the rodesse. He vowed that the scar on his chest was shaped pentacle, among others. He put out his cigarette in the glass, as he began to fondle her on her side, almost hypnotic. "I just wanted to say that even beginning to follow this case has neither head nor tail. And you know something weird? The first three victims were some strange dreams before he died. I should not wonder if he had made the fourth. "
" strange dreams like? "Sasha asked, tense.
He smiled slyly. "Two white lights, paired, that approach jumps, zigzagging, closer and closer ... until the morning."
"The victim's girlfriend told me today ..."
"Shh. Come here. What There, you're cold? "
Sasha shook her head and let himself embraced by the Commissioner. His body was warm, reassuring, even though he was not at all. It seemed that his shadow did not belong to him, like Peter Pan. Maybe Sasha was just awakening from too many hours.
"You think it's a coincidence," he asked.
"I believe in coincidences for bias. You do not know how much work they save. "
" And in this case? "
He smiled again. "Unfortunately I have already finished the holidays."
Sasha laughed, but still had goose bumps. He began to kiss her on the side of the neck, making him considerably increased.
"I can not I'm supposed to worry, it's always been my fault, I know. Someone is killing the guys investing. Why? Bho. "
smiled slowly. "Maybe it's a plan to solve the problem of trafficking break."
She curled up against him better. "By killing all the pedestrians, one by one? It seems a little 'car. "
" Not more than create a system of ring roads - round - in an L-shaped town, and our planners have succeeded very well. And then it's usually a pawn, in turn, a motorist, even if at another time. "
He bent to suck a nipple, a sign that he had not yet had enough.
"Just wait," she whispered.
"I knew they would come back, 'said Diego. "Just wait. I'm late, anyway. "
Greta looked at him inquiringly. Since he died he expressed himself more foolish than usual, although one must admit that stains less and no longer complained of how to cook. Why not eat even more, to think of it.
"Who is behind Diego?" He asked.
"Cops," replied the other, as if it were more obvious taxes. "I'm just out here. A young woman with a very old man. He can not see it, but be careful. She is just any a bitch. "Greta
not doubted his words. Lately he seemed to have a direct line to God or something.
"Ok, I'll go from there. You know how to respond, though. "Diego got up and kissed her forehead.
was always cold, that was all.
"I have not done anything," Greta said, irritated.
"Yes, but I usually say it does not make a good impression," he laughed, and disappeared through the door into the next room.
The doorbell rang.
were two, just as he said Diego. She could meet the definition of "any bitch," but he was not not at all old. It did not seem even a policeman.
He put his nose in front of the badge and introduced himself.
"Commissioner Herman Sensi. My colleague, Deputy Inspector Damian. He has a few minutes? "
Greta nodded and stepped aside. Even if he said no they would enter it here just.
Gothic sat on the couch as if it were a family in the same place that until recently was occupied by Diego.
"Can I offer you something," asked Greta, anxious not to look anxious.
"His opinion on an odd fact," he said. Under the leather jacket had a sweatshirt from the Red House Painters, noted with dismay Greta. Other than the crisis of vocations, Police had to have the most serious problems in recruiting.
"last month," he went on living the puzzle, crossing his legs to his complete ease, "we had four deaths were almost identical."
He remained silent, watching.
"Oh yeah," she stammered at last.
"People invested, passed back and forth, if you understand what I mean, and then ended - not that any were really needed - to heel strike. Charming, I assure you. My colleague here, I vomited all over the lunch on the shoes, the last time. "
The deputy inspector became something of an intense purple hue.
"I wondering if this would tell her nothing. "
Greta shook her head quickly. The woman-cop behind her, looked askance.
"Strange. You know, I thought I remembered the death of Diego Galanti, a month and a half ago. He too was hit, I think. "
Greta nodded stiffly.
"Yes, I suppose to wake up some bad memories. I wondered if he knew that our four victims - the last four, I mean - you know. It took a while 'to find out. You know why? "
Greta denied again with his head.
"They would go to hell together. The four, I say. "
" I have an alibi, "he stammered Greta, with perfect timing.
"But that's great," said the commissioner, in a tone of cheerful, and sat on the couch better.
*** "I do not mean to criticize, but ..." Damiani began as soon as they came out.
The rain had increased tone. In that city, it seemed, was always raining.
"will be missed. I see that now when a woman is happy, and you're jumping for joy, "Sensi said, sarcastically. He passed the car keys. "It is better if you go home, because I'm going to give you new reasons for unhappiness. To you and your career faster. "
" Herman, listen to the other evening ... "
" Oh, I figured, no big deal. Serving the citizens, that's all. Now get on that car, ok? "The
Damiani, confused, you left wheel in the cockpit.
What happened inside the house the suspect was very strange. She was agitated, almost terrified. It must have been trivial, but Sasha was his reaction seemed rather suspicious.
But he had left to lose, simply. Sasha set in motion.
Commissioner was to observe it until it was gone, with his air of detached and almost sad, then he retrofront.
was not exactly a man of action, but he had other qualities unusual. The door of the house of
Galanti fell with a thud under his football. From the wood stood a sort of hissing sound, as if the rain had cooled suddenly had something that was very hot.
effect by paying no attention to the cries of the girl.
"Come on, come out," he said quietly, but no less menacing. "I heard you."
A dead guy came out of a locked room.
The girl continued to scream while, consistent with all-female, was trying to replace the door.
"Galanti Diego, right?" Sensi said. "It was, of course."
The guy took a step back. "What is inside? "he stammered, frightened.
"We look after. A gift from when I was a Satanist. I do not think I would have chosen if they had been able to infiltrate the year. "Her lips were folded into a sarcastic smile, but his shadow was the most interesting part. It seemed like it was slightly enlarged and it was steaming.
"Christ. What are you? "Screamed the dead. "You're too old for your shell!"
"Yeah, but I bring good. However I do not seek the mote in others when I have a beam in mine. Not to sound obvious, but you're dead. "
" It's not my fault, "defended himself Galanti Diego.
"will be missed. But the four guys spent the last month ... those are your fault, I guess. "
The other seemed to take a little 'courage.
"I have killed! As they went to hell, get drunk! "Sensi
shook his head. "Unseemly, I agree."
"They did not even stop!"
"Probably not if they are even noticed."
The girl continued to scream, but the door was now almost back in place. He had a future in carpentry, he thought Sensi.
'Well, now it is gone anyway, right? What can you do to me? I want to stop? "
The shadow of the Senses is a bit stretched 'to the dead man, making out a cry.
"Better not to know, what can I ask you," he said.
"Now I killed them!" Yelled another.
"As if traffic was not already a shit on his own in these parts. I think it's a good time to distance themselves, if you know what I mean. "
He seemed caught off guard. "Distance themselves?"
"Yes, you know? The one thing they do the dead, die. "
Diego lowered his head. "But Greta ..." he muttered.
"He has already made clear that an alibi," pointed out the Commissioner.
"I meant ..."
"I know what you mean."
remained silent for a minute. The shadow of the Commissioner was burning on the floor, the dead man is staring at his feet.
"Diego?" Called the girl that she was hysterical the past when they had managed to reassemble the door.
He looked at her sideways.
"Diego, you have to go?"
"I ..." he said.
'Yes,' said Sensi. "It's time." His shadow stretched back toward the dead man, with a flick animal, how to seize. Diego literally ran vertically rising toward the ceiling like a rocket.
"I guess it was from that part of the idea that there is paradise," said the other, shrugging his shoulders.
His shadow is completely retired, returning to be that cold and lean boy dressed as a Gothic seemed.
"Not so," asked the girl, a bit 'worried.
"I do not know. It is not my field. You know, I would take a beer now, "he added.
"Not in service?"
He avoided explaining that he had never worried about such details. "Not anymore," he said.
*** Something was
out of the roof. Like a flash the other hand, like a stray bullet.
The Commissioner, however, was not released.
Sasha, motionless in the rain, waited for a while, 'to see what was happening.
He had seen the light come on in the other room, and that was all.
was clear that his new boss was a man with erratic mood, she did not love the rush, apparently still in the rainy city where nothing ever happened, but maybe it was not. Maybe running away, and something was chasing him.
He left long before he came out.
Exactly a fortnight later on his desk was a letter of transfer.
Rome, the center of everything.
was promoted inspector, a sign that perhaps Salvemini was not the only one that can accelerate careers.
Sasha did not want to know what the rodesse. He did not want to understand more.
He would never admit, but he felt no desire to see even his shadow slim stretch in the wet.
Who saw her pack, quickly, hurriedly, he would have thought that he was fleeing.
would not have been wrong.

In real life is a clinical psychologist. In its existence also wrote and directed the independent series "Inside" (Cut-Up Comics), won the Lucca Project Contest 2005 along with Armando Rossi Ford Ravenstock - specialist in suicide "(Panini) and has participated in several anthologies of short stories.
at this time is continuing to write for another publisher Ravenstock (Arcadia), has just finished "The Chronicles of Octopus" (Rebus) and is scripted by a comic book editions Casterman.
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