Here is Jill Grey Street correspondent for the BBC. We live by the National Bank of New York where she is playing a fierce gun battle between police and a gang of robbers. As you can see, the criminals are four. Three armed men, around a green car with the fourth man on board. For the time being unable to take flight ...
green cars ... idiot. That's a Dark Highland Green Mustang GT390 ... the bastard has to be a disciple of Steve McQueen. I hate motherfuckers exalted. "
was hurt! One policeman was wounded in the leg and now his companions seek to provide assistance. We'll try to get closer a more detailed picture ...
"I know what you will. As soon as your buddies will be on board feel the adrenaline boost you blow up your eyes from their sockets. Hold the gear lever and decided once the first geared to ground all your horses. Hungry for asphalt, foaming with rage you crash the seat. I admire you a little, this shrinking violet Americans today do not even know what a manual transmission. But do not worry ... I'll be faster than you, you swear. "
One of the robbers opened the trunk and is trying to slip the bags with money. Wait a minute! One of them was shot in the chest, looks like a nasty wound ...
"Less than one ... but you're there, stop. You are the driver and you have enough balls to avoid splashing the dark. I like this game. It tastes like metal and metal and rubber. A challenge to those who are faster. Press the accelerator, I'm here. "
Another! Another robber was reached by the bullets. It seems to be dead. At this point it seems that for others there is no more escape ...
"Less than two ... now what will you do? The last one left will board and the tachometer will shatter the heart. Swoop through the block, you're good, I know. It will not be easy, I'll join you before the L-shaped curve. We will arrive with your stomach in your throat, scale the map and you push the throttle, steering vigorously. Take the risk curve in the spin drift. But the second is not, you have everything under control there and ass of the Mustang will turn nervous whistling in the tires. No, I have to reach before. You are clever, but I'm fast. "
... We're the last man to get into the car. It is a moment of extreme tension ...
"You're a romantic, a free spirit ... with that car in your hands you can not fool me. Would you prefer a shot in front off the engine rather than behind bars. This is why you will not stop. Even out of town on those long empty streets. You'll hear the wind in your hair making it light and you'll give gas. Faster, more. The eyes firmly on the revolution: the true rider gives a fuck if the speedometer, engine revolutions are those who feel in the gut. Not a smile, not a word, only you fast asphalt. Not for money, right? It is for her, the only one that makes you feel alive: speed. I am almost sorry that I'll take sooner than you think. "
is increased! The car starts leaving smoke behind. The police continued to shoot, but failed to stop them, should they leave, do not worry, one of our crew is ready to board a helicopter
... "Here we go, it's time for I was born, only you and me.
explosive kinetic energy. 800 meters per second of pure speed I catapulted over a cold and dark corridor. You should try it, is intoxicating sensation of omnipotence ...
-rotation around the axis within my drill as a weapon I'm coming from the tip to rotate through your tissue I'm getting hot wet bodies explode live under my concussion-
Pause ... "
The race of the robbers is finished, a bullet from a sniper hit the driver in the heart sending the car into a wall ... it's over.
"Finished ... for me too. Short, intense, fast ... this is my life apply only law I know that man is a man dead slow. "

Gabriele Giarrusso, born in 1980. Main occupation: student of psychology. It is well known to the community of bloggers as "gabbro". It binds to the world of comics at a young age, soon after learning to read. Since 1996, he studied music intensely and read comics until he decided in 2007 to attend the screenplay for comic at the International School of Comics in Rome under the guidance of the great Lorenzo Bartoli. Finish the course with honors and is thrown into the world trying to get noticed. He currently writes for CagliostroE-press and the character remains a search of a publisher. Personal Info: with his wife, a bass guitar, a cigarette, a good cartoon, Ps2 and his Macbook is a happy man. If the sea you see a guy with a huge tattoo of Batman and Dylan Dog, designed by Richard Torti and James Bevilacqua, is gabbro.
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