I put on my red leather gloves by pulling them right up to the elbow, lower the nose aviator sunglasses, hands on the wheel and are ready to go. The dog, in the passenger seat, looks at me confidently.
"This time we make it" I say.
We start in last place again. Warm up the engine while I try to gaze upon between the car ahead, is already in the car, Peter idiot who tries to woo her so pathetic. For a moment it seems that I glanced at his rearview mirror but we are at opposite ends of the pitch and it is impossible is watching me. It's disgustingly charming as ever. What would Penelope not you, what do you do ... I guess every evening, naked on my hood with only your scarf and your female drivers wear helmets, I pray, I beg, that you take by force ... ah but it will happen One day, I win and you'll understand that I am the fastest, best, and then you will come to me ... NO! Not a day, TODAY! I feel it will happen today. I can not fail this time.
I turn around and mock Slag brothers known, those fucking cavemen, a mystery how they manage to be the first in the standings with the cart, so I will have another wrong to rectify today. On my side of the band Clyde tries to provoke me, I smooth and mustache gave him a grin of defiance, not a problem, because I also unscrewed the bolts of all four wheels. I studied the route to the centimeter, I know where to accelerate, where to push and where to stop myself, I also know where to place traps in the event it were needed.
Motors roar in unison, the pilots are all in their places, the countdown begins.
The checkered flag waves.
A superb start, as usual. A 130km / h now I carry one of the top positions, I have a stronger hold and is quite easy to leave behind me the monsters of Gruesome and Sergeant, Clyde and his gang are still trying to adjust to block the wheels. The new V12 is a beauty that I mounted the tires 4x4 run perfect, not even feel them, I knew I had made the right decision, for rocky terrain of this kind are the best. Not even the prof. Pending, the scientist, decided to calibrate the shock absorbers for different types of soil in this track, I checked before departure. Idiots, idiots are just lucky, with no preparation, no knowledge, with their vehicles ridiculous, I see them trudging behind me, but I have no illusions, too many times I saw them in an impossible to win and replace at my expense, but not today, not today.
Overtaking Luke and his damned bear, just a hillbilly dick as he could choose a bear as a mascot, Rufus, and I drink nothing like Red, and I position it fourth.
I reach the 180km / h on the straight and go into the third.
front of me that idiot Peter, his six-cylinder engine is fast but is not strong, the thallium trying to tire him, I take the sandy stretch to close and pass him in turn, try to not hold back but Starmie suspension, I walk away while losing pieces behind me, goodbye moron, you're not so perfect as you think, are now third behind the Slag brothers and Penelope, I reinforced the chassis side just for this occasion, I put the fourth and next Slag brothers to them with determination and hope I see them veer off the road cursing, these troglodytes will it take a while 'to get back in the race. Penelope me and you, the dog barks with happiness, he started to believe too, that we see on the map to get around the mountain. I decide to maneuver now groped, tampa Penelope's car strong enough to make them wider than the curve as expected, the risk of accelerating me, me next to Penelope and grant you a heads up for a few minutes, then put the fifth and roared off over bumps, smoke signals for active safety, I'm sorry beauty, is the race.
We are half way and I have victory in hand, I do not have to do is maintain a constant speed, but a flash in the mirror catches my attention, the car of prof. Pending is behind me. I did not foresee a comeback so quickly, damn it, I scored a point on the maps excellent place for a few meters from the explosive and levarmelo balls, on the other hand is still far away, it might not be a threat, estimating that I have given a considerable detachment the other competitors, are undecided but I can not risk it, no I have to be sure, I must be the one to the finish. Turn the brake mountain, get down as fast as I can and place the explosives in the middle of the track. Allocation of losing half the benefit I had expected, but accelerates as I can, however, just in case. A few minutes later I see the prof. Pending approach the trap but is not limited to, the Penelope is glued, then the sergeant and then others, including I can see the damned Slag brothers who already have managed to reassemble. Damn, I did not hit Penelope, but now it's done, I hit the detonator and the charge explodes, I hear a roar behind me and saw the car of prof. Pending propel air through the fire, then disaster happens, the car Penelope's heels, the sergeant goes on to form a sort of springboard to the next car instead of getting bogged down and take advantage of the acceleration gliding find me attached to the ass. I press the accelerator with violence, do not breathe a second car, I reach the 230km/he continues to accelerate, but I can not sow, that the brothers of shit jalopy Slag has the advantage of being incredibly light and I can not escape.
a hole and I take my hat flies into the air, the dog jumped on me nervous, I give him a punch in the head to keep him at bay. The engine misfires, but I continue to force it, I can not give in now, one step away from victory. Should I shift gears and climb, but may slow and I can not afford to be exceeded.
The dog gets excited, I pulled the scarf, trying to get my attention, "Not now, damn fool!" He cried. Take the penultimate corner to 240km / h, do not go out of your way to a hair, but finally succumbs to the axle, breaks a wheel and I lose, I try not badarci but the car skids, the radiator growls and smoke starts coming out from the hood but do not yield, with the sweat in your eyes I see, I see the finish line, yet few meters e. .. A gigantic shadow covers us, I look up instinctively and saw the carcass of the car prof. Pending fall from the sky and crashed with a boom on the track a few yards away, pull the brake with all the strength in my body but it is too late, there is not enough space, I turn the steering wheel and trying to sharply limit the damage and I still stick in my hand for shooting. Do not cry, do not it's worth it.
The impact with the windscreen at that speed is monstrous, luckily the last time I reinforced with Kevlar suit, the flight appears to me so long that it seems unreal, my body inertia is fired at full speed in a thousand splinters glass, air and debris that arrives in your face, the smoke from the radiator in my throat. And for a moment, suspended in midair, I hear: voices, applause and ovations. A cheering crowd leads me in triumph, lifts me up and takes me to the podium, where I was crowned "the fastest motherfucker in history ", I cheer, love me, and Penelope and there, makes its way through the crowd, it melts my hair and freezes her with those blue eyes, she says" I love Dick. I've always loved. "The kiss between the applause of the crowd. I think I won, I won.
regain consciousness on the track, in the mud. I put down despite the pain everywhere, I make a huge effort to appear better off than they are. I think I have a couple of broken ribs, but I do not even notice the pain anymore. The race is over, Red Max finishes last. We have not even placed. The speaker is reading the partial results, the Slag Brothers win at the last position with zero points, we are there. I feel the touch of irony as she reads "Mean Machine - even zero
I turn to the dog is laughing at the asshole. I stand up and I cleaned up best I can.
"Come Muttley" I say "we must prepare for the next race."

Born in Rome in 1986, when the balloon reached its apex with titles like
attended for six years, the Roman School of comic strips . Currently pretending to study for a degree in Industrial Design.
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