speed. My mind tells space-time split. I hate math and their simplification of reality with numbers and formulas. Well then speed as a myth of the futurists of the early Twentieth Century began with sequins and finished drowned in the blood of young people in a world war. No, better not. Better as fast as a bullet. But there is a downside. When you're as fast as a bullet to your side things are deformed, can not see, and you lose. To go straight to the heart and you lose the context and outline your vision is partial. And then it's over. The attrition rate is also rapidly consumes tires of the cars, but also burns the neurons of the brain forced to think a lot of things in a more limited time and always, damn formula. Yes, because the two variables are not as variable as they think the mathematicians. The time is always limited, so to make a lot of distance I have to increase the speed. Speed. I open my eyes and the guardian of the time that I bring to the arm, Egyptian curse?, Tells you that you have to be faster and start running. The history of Savannah, the lion and the gazelle is a sop to console us, or we tell ourselves we read it hung on the walls of public offices. English humor? Nonsense?. I climb into the car and began to push forward, fortunate who has a fast car but not my case, in front of me as a rule is a person who has the slower pace and the other side of the road transhumance of cars and trucks. Result: your temperature begins to rise, as the motor. It may happen that due to your speed someone or something makes you a picture, but instead of ending up on the front pages of motoring magazines and you earn a nice Multon points instead of increasing them in the world championship you will find yourself cut from the license. Late to work and you have to be fast because you have to dispose of the backlog. When I complain of this, the answer is "It 's the same for everybody." Ugh bastaaaaaa. I want to be black sheep. I hate the speed. If I want to get drunk to taste in wine in the glass lens feel all the flavors I do not want just stun me. Speed \u200b\u200bis not my god. Because it is a cruel goddess who wants to make the world smaller blood sacrifices. The sacrifice of my best friend. Without guilt. With you playing that night is also my best part. Yes I hate speed.

Subject Canella Clyde was born July 31, 1969 and has since lived in a small town in the province of Ferrara, called Alberone.
a child falls in love with comic books and then accompany him daily. To buy them in a cage is forced to do accountant and a lot of other things very boring and stressful, from which every now and then flee to the exhibition and meet his idols. It has a very patient woman named Benedetta, in name and fact, which supports him in waiting to get married.
Distinguishing features: long hair and an earring always to the left lobe
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