Matthew's heart was pumping a thousand, did not believe he could beat this. His hand was looking for something to shake nervously. She smiled a quiet and safe and that scared him even more. She had to drive him there would succeed.
Only an hour before he was sitting at the bar, quiet with no particular thoughts in my head sipping his Jack Daniels straight. Suddenly a girl in the other had drawn his attention, was certainly not the prettiest nor the most flashy, but his dancing made her unique, almost a primitive tribal dance, so at odds but in the same way with the harmonized music that filled the room. The long hair forming a winding frame around the face, arms and body moving in a sensual symphony, while the fluttering of her skirt created hypnotic arabesques, anyone who approached her was involved in dance, as disciples around the teacher in a Sabbath.
Matthew found himself staring at was the first time he saw her, he could hardly look away, the evening was not right for certain things, had decided at the last to leave and still wondered how her friends had convinced to join in the usual room. His glass was empty, almost without realizing he had been drinking while watching the girl, turning after having laid it on the counter, he noticed that she was coming to him "He'll want something to drink," he thought curandosene not much. But if the
found himself smiling, now that was the closest he could see better, a special beauty, their eyes crossed, he lost in a cloudless blue sky, a sense of calm and serenity swept over him.
-Excuse me ask if ... - As if to anticipate the demand he was ready to pull out his pack of cigarettes - want to make love to me? -
Surprised by the application looked for a moment the girl's eyes seemed to blacks, dark as night no stars but it was only for a moment before returning to a bright sky lit by a smile of joy, remained silent for a moment that seemed eternal.
-... ...- you could not hesitant to say more.
He felt her hand shake in a gentle grip around his
-Well, are we going? you will not want to stay here at the bar! -
The girl smiled, a smile almost naive innocent. Matthew followed her to her car. Walking she hugged him clinging to him as if he always loved and not as if their eyes had just crossed for the first time. She made him sit in the front seat, sliding over to caress him gently to put at ease. In the parking lot of the local people were still passing, no slow-down in the watch, she snorted moving settled in the driving seat
-Here there are too many people. Give me the keys that I know a nice place-
Matthew could not resist it, without a word gave her the keys, the sky in the eyes of the girl calmed. Smiling, she walked for the first time brushing his lips in a slight
Pazza. was completely crazy.
Matthew could not think of anything else
Quickly moved away from the parking lot. She drove like a mad, braking and accelerating suddenly, almost without reason, ignoring the most basic safety rules, the lights on the roadside seemed blurred boundaries between them and the night, were leaving the city. The road began to climb and get lost in a forest becoming more devious, she did not slow down, even in the eyes of the boy seemed to accelerate even more, it seemed as if the street know that did all the days that crazy speed. At every turn he was sure that Matthew would be going out to crash into a tree, but miraculously managed to keep the car in the street. Nervous as ever holding the door handle so much to feel bad hand. He did not understand how he could do nothing, unable to try to react.
finally stopped in a lay-by on the roadside, the trees around them fomavano thick walls of a temple, illuminated only by moonlight.
She looked at him. He smiled. He moved
sitting astride on his legs. The
left to do, even if he wanted he could not resist, she felt paralyzed. The girl began to undress him persuasive, opening his shirt, she leaned over him, his mouth on his chest to kiss him and bite him, bites wild and hungry. He raised his eyes to be decided by him, his eyes no longer blue blacks were once again as the night, laden with such a desire to frighten the boy.
She opened his pants, lifted her skirt and denuded the beautiful legs, slid over him to hear him inside, to form a single body to begin to move and feed the desire that was burning, wild, restless. Where before they had left their mark on the lips now pressed almost nails it bled, but soon, she stopped too soon. Blacks in the eyes of the girl desire turned into disappointment, a disappointment as anger that burned down in the darkness about him.
Matthew saw nothing that the girl's eyes, a darkness that seemed to have hidden the moon in the sky and the woods around them. He was paralyzed by fear, under the pitiless assessment of the girl.
slow as the panting breath that becomes, in the quiet of her blue irises replaced the scary black among the treetops in the sky again to peep at the moon. In the girl's face the anger was replaced by an amused smile, as derision. Matthew stood motionless beneath her, watching her, just moved his lips to speak, almost apologetic, but she silenced him by touching his lips with a finger. He slipped away from him, leaving the car to walk towards the woods. As he felt paralyzed to follow with his eyes, he saw the clothes she vanished, nude turned to greet him to disappear like a ghost herself.
Not seeing her more, Matthew tried to relax on the seat closing his eyes. Now, left alone, he felt able to think about what had just happened but also what and how to go back.
eyes reopened shortly after. looked around, but it was no longer in the woods where they had left in the parking lot, sitting in the driver's seat with his clothes still open and the signs of bite and nail him.

Bencivelli Angelo, came into the world June 4, 1976, is finally deciding what to do when you grow. THIS is his blog.
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