'E' Is that clear? "
" clear. "Said Kyle Lomax supporting for a few seconds gaze of his questioner. Then lowered them to the little metal box that was passed just before.
"Where did you have to get there? "
" Collins On Base on the Moon. Hangar drop three, Jonah Prosulic cabinet. "
" Well. The man walked toward the exit of the flat plain of Kyle Lomax. Reached the door he turned and said, "No matter how, but must get there within three days. "
Kyle looked at him in the face but could not make out his features because of the perception of perverting blurred every human physiognomic detail.
Kyle nodded several times, almost seemed to tremble, Then the man went out.
Oliver Johns put the glove mascot of his uncle Herbert. A shiver went up to his back. After 7 years
Johns returned to the races.
"Your uncle was made for the four wheels, was in need of land under his engine ..." said a man on the other side of the locker room. It was a little one-eyed expression of alarm and ice.
He rose from the bench on which he was sitting and he left the room, enclosed in a sealed suit. Before entering the door, the little man took leave of Oliver Johns saying, "See to put all, I do not like to win too easily ..."
"Sam, I'll win. " Oliver said, but now the little guy was already out.
Oliver picked up his tight suit and helmet from his locker and then closed it.
While he was wearing the suit, making sure that there were no tears or small holes, spread the loudspeaker in the room a female voice: "The Five drivers entered in the competition are asked to report within ten minutes hangar nine. Five pilot ... "The voice continued
three more times to send the notice and when she was completing the last, Oliver was ready to leave the dressing room riders. Waiting for him outside one of the judges of the competition that from head to feet for any irregularities.
"Everything ok, control over. I proceed to go with nine hangar, "said the judge talking to the intercom on the wall of the corridor.
few minutes later came the hangar, an old warehouse converted to seven years from the launch pad for the race. The five spacecraft entered the race were all placed side by side, just above a line from the red light. The other pilots, together with their engineers were putting up the last details before the race. The only one who noticed Oliver was the little guy, Sam Fuller said Chip. The name is not whether it was deserved for the speed with which flew but because the object was found stuck in his eye to a challenger. Not was never proven guilty but the rumors do not need any certification. Sam helped himself to food, to show that despite the not-too-developed physique, he knew how to be assertive.
"Johns, I did not think I had so much guts to participate in this race ..." shouted Sam making sure that the entry of Oliver was noticed by all the other contestants.
Oleschuk Tatiana looked up and framed the figure of Oliver Johns with its blue-green eyes. His face twitched slightly, then moved a lock of blonde in front of his face and then went back to tinkering in the commands of his shuttle. The other two drivers Hong-Seok Park, and John Pastrone not even bothered to divert shuttles from their eyes.
"It will be the guts to let me win ... you'll see! "Oliver said defiantly.
Sam laughed loudly and went without another word to his shuttle.
Oliver took a deep breath and moved toward the shuttle: the "thorn in the side." Like all vessels permitted in the race thorn in the side of the war was a war surplus earth-moon, the moon belongs to the fleet. And as all four other ships had been found abandoned in space and adapted for the race. But unlike the other had a singularity: the right side of the shuttle was a material different from the color gray.
"Mr. Johns, I completed the diagnostic cycle. Everything in order. "Notified the Exchange Oliver engineer who helped to develop the Thorn in his side. Oliver must be a new thought, I've never seen.
"All personnel should exit the hangar. Only pilots can stay. "Ordered one of the judges through the intercom.
engineers and all other people who were headed for the exit of the hangar, leaving the pilots with their own ships.
Sam Fuller slipped into his shuttle, the Black Grin, and shouted, "May you live and die as heroes, that I will die a winner! "
was an old phrase that Oliver had heard in his family, especially Uncle Herbert even when she competed on the mainland.
All the drivers took their places in their shuttle, sealed inside and putting the helmet. Oliver
activates the motors will be ready to go.
The hangar, after the release of staff, was depressurized and opened.
front of the five riders now saw only one thing, their destination, the Moon.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present the most exciting race of all human history: the Death Race in Space Earth - the Moon. Participants will leave from the station to get to Gagarin, Shepard dark side of moon lunar base in the former Ziyuan. The drivers are five as usual, from left: Oliver Johns, in his first official race, is the grandson of Herbert Johns champion of Death Race on the ground and died in the first Death Race in Space. Help thorn in the side. Here Sam Fuller, defending champion of the previous edition, the guide Tatiana Grin Black Then we Oleschuk the first woman in the race for the Earth-Moon system, which drives the Dragon's Claw. The fourth pilot is John Pastrone, known as Moloch, the Tiger leadership of Fire. The final competitor is Hong-Seok Park, said Starfighter, rookie of the Death Race, has been highly decorated military war Earth-Moon system. The shuttle guide is called the Flower of Death, and says the Park as it is the same shuttle that served him in war. Well Ladies and Gentlemen, is now start the race! So ... here we begin the third Death Race Earth - Luna! "The line in the shuttles
in the first race that was red is now colored green.
The race had begun.
Four of the five ships sped away from the hangar toward the final goal, the fifth aimed a bit 'and exploded tearing the walls of the former depot.
Some engineers remained to observe the departure of John Pastrone saw the shuttle explode into a thousand pieces, sullying the entire hangar. Among engineers, there was one who walked away from the explosion but was quickly detected and blocked by a massive security man.
"Kyle Lomax, where you hidden form P-3? "
" I'm not-I do not know what he's talking about ... "Kyle said, pretending to know nothing but the security guard grabbed him by the neck and flattened against the wall.
"Where? "
" into the shuttle. "Kyle came out of the mouth with a gasp.
"What? "
'Johns ... Oliver Joh-" The close
man became intolerable to her throat, and a few minutes after Kyle died.
"Oliver Johns driver of the Thorn in his side is now in fourth place fourth and last ... we are told by the director ..."
Sam Fuller led the race followed by Tatiana Oleschuk and Park Hong-Seok.
"The first obstacle to overcome is the graveyard of warships, the cloud of metal. A portion of space full of wrecks that our drivers will have to overcome slowing down as little as possible! "Sam Fuller
grin on his Black Cloud came in first in the metal, avoiding the larger pieces, but being hit by a myriad of tiny fragments that damaged the reactor cooling system of the shuttle.
"Fifty minutes to overload the core and its explosion. »Read Sam Fuller on the monitor side of his shuttle.
"Maybe I survive ... "The Grin
Black dodged two other wrecks of old ships and channeled in a motor which only the skeleton remained outside. Hong-Seok Park
Oleschuk and Tatiana were side by side, a few miles from the first position, as two flies piled next to each other. The Dragon's Claw step forward, leaving the Flower of Death a few feet away. Just what I wanted to Park Hong-Seok. In his years as a fighter pilot had experienced thousands of techniques to be able to carry around his enemy, now what was being served on a silver platter. He had no weapons, of course, but still knew a few tricks to destroy the other shuttles without firing a shot, especially inside the cloud of metal. The Dragon's Claw
accelerated spouting way between two large scrap that almost the entire route split off the top cap of the shuttle. Behind the Death Blossom is getting nearer and nearer to his goal. Tatiana
Oleschuk slipped into a labyrinth of tunnels created by an old troop transport ship. It was recognized immediately by the huge amount of corpses that lives in it. As someone cut in two as he passed and went on his run.
'and' too close. "Tatiana Oleschuk swerving to shake off his pursuer, but only got to approach it a little more '.
"There you are ... the socket! "The Flower of Death struck the left side of the Dragon's Claw, which ended up meet a dense cloud of screws and bolts. The shuttle Oleschuk Tatiana, now uncontrollable, continued its course to crash into a pile of wreckage. The explosion that followed forced the Death Blossom to slow to avoid impact with some wreckage thrown in the explosion. At that time Oliver Johns
with the Thorn in His Side of the masses came out of a wreck taking the second position, just off the cloud of metal.
"Come the next. »Park Hong-Seok chuckled putting the wake of the Thorn in his side.
"Great! Oliver Johns moved to the second position! But the gap is even wider with Sam Fuller! Past the Cloud Metal now we just have to see how it behaves in the second phase: the Shooting Range! Were prepared 6 satellites armed with laser guns that will shoot three volleys at each step of the shuttles! Stay glued to the race, we will see some good! "
thorn in the side came in an area called the shooting range after a short distance from the Death Blossom Park Hong-Seok. The first of three satellites launched volleys of lasers, one after another that Oliver Johns escaped with no problems doing so they also were seen at the last moment by his pursuer. Hong-Seok Park did not move to strike as trivial, even managed to get close enough to touch the thorn within very little. He tried again to ram the shuttle shortly after Oliver, but had to turn abruptly to the right to prevent other three bursts of laser.
thorn in the side then suddenly slowed and paralleled the Flower of Death, leaving its pilot prohibited. Oliver tried to slam her against the side of the shuttle's Park Hong-Seok, who appealed to his skill as a pilot to avoid it. Side by side, the shuttles proceeded through another pair of laser satellites while avoiding the deadly emissions. Hong-Seok Park could not figure out which tactic was, and especially what the outcome would bring. Oliver
its continued commitment to keep her closest rival until the close last satellite laser. Accelerated suddenly putting in front of the Flower of Death, in order to block the view of the satellite.
"I realized that I do not care cos-... "Oliver
dodged the first two shots hit the satellite but left in the third. Hong-Seok Park saw the third shot on the refraction of the gray plug on the side is heading towards the shuttle. It was the last thing he saw.
"What a race gentlemen, this is not a joke mica! The rookie has been the last to be able to undermine the reigning champion! Will he make it? "
Sam Fuller slowed and started touring around the moon and head toward the base Ziyuan. Oliver Johns
instead accelerated to the limits of speed possible given the strength of his shuttle. He came close to the moon at a rate three times higher than where you came Sam Fuller. Not slowed down and went in the opposite direction to that taken from his latest challenger.
"Here we are now in the last moments of the third edition of Death Race in Space. Sam Fuller, said Sheggia is first and at this moment is in view of the base Ziyuan, the point of arrival. Oliver Johns has just entered the orbit of the Moon at a speed never seen before. You can reach his opponent? "
Oliver died suddenly the engine and then a split second later, steering the shuttle of about one hundred and eighty degrees.
"Incredible! Thorn in the side he used a maneuver that no one had ever dared before! To reach his opponent has not slowed down but continued approaching the moon passing next to it and tacking of nearly one hundred and eighty degrees after turning off the engine. Now he has rekindled his base in the direction of arrival! This race will be remembered for many years to come, whatever the result! "
Sam Fuller saw the maneuver Oliver through his radar now realizing that he could not reach the finish before the Thorn in his side. Accelerated. Accelerating too
meant a further warming of the engine that would certainly shortened the time until the explosion of his shuttle.
"Shit ... three minutes now. "Sam looked at the flashing on the monitor at the side of the controls.
thorn in the side was now closer to the base of the Black Grin Ziyuan.
Suddenly a laser beam was fired from somewhere on the moon and hit the shuttle Oliver Johns, killing the pilot.
"What's happening? Gentlemen, we are facing a serious sabotage that the evidence is ... we apologize for the error, but tell us it was just a natural phenomenon, not a laser shot. Unfortunately we have to stop the race report for a statement of urgency, but then we will propose an event record. Now we give the line a important statement of the President and Prime Minister of the Moon of Earth. "
Sam Fuller saw the death of Oliver when he saw that it was not doing the canonical route adjustments. He realized that if he hit the base at that speed would be death for him. Exploding against the base of the hangar was torn mooring and irreparably damaged the base. Without the shuttle, and a place to find oxygen there was no chance of survival. He thought quickly about how to solve the problem and the only solution was to ram the shuttle to change its direction. This involved a problem: the inability to launch in time the Black Grin But if he had found a way to blow the shuttle as soon as he had approached the Thorn in his side ...
"Found ... let's see if it works. "
the shuttle banked to take a direction that would lead to an impact with the Thorn in his side. The monitor flashed two minutes.
"Grin Black, opens your teeth and laugh one last time ..." let the engine up and then blew the cover glass above his head. Finally eject on.
Small motors driving the chair which was now attached, partial braking of the momentum that launched him outside the orbit of the moon. The Black Grin
walked quickly against the thorn in the side but the other exploded too soon because they shuttle were involved. Fortunately, the shock wave diverted much of that thorn in the side that crashed at a point where the only damage that was caused to add another crater to the Moon. Sam Fuller
azionò than the engines of the seat to avoid getting lost in deep space, but went out after a few minutes of use.
"Light ... could not work for so long ..." Sam pointed to himself while slowly drifting away from the moon. While he watched the base
Ziyuan become smaller, they noticed a small object that was hurtling in his direction. He stopped his run by holding your left hand. Fortunately, not ripped the suit. It was a small metal cube with a flashing red light on one of its faces. Sam wondered what was the sound of that flash and realized he could die in total silence. Already started whistling painfully ears. When he was thinking about some trick to make it back to the moon, he saw two warships to approach it from two different sides.
"Sam Fuller, I declare under arrest by order of the President and Prime Minister of the Moon of Earth. Consegnaci the form P-3. "One of the two ships were inserted into his helmet radio.
"Sam Fuller, the Earth government gives you free haven ..." The other vessel within communication. One of the two ships
war did what they had built up starting to shoot. The other was no exception.
Sam Fuller in the middle of two fires found the solution to his problems. He pulled out a hidden compartment of a seat, a laser gun. Separated from his chair trying to get away from it as possible but not too much. He took aim and fired the propulsion system of the chair that broke out moments later. The shock wave pushed him toward the moon. Sam never knew if it was enough to be brought back to the surface as one of the two warships exploded knocking him much faster towards the Moon. He looked at the clock that was flashing in your fury. Probably some infinitesimal piece of the ship had punctured the suit.
"Two minutes of oxygen ..."
Sam continued to fall towards the base of arrival.
"A Moment ..."
He threw the metal box to a small crater near the base.
"Thirty-five seconds ..."
landed not far from the base and immediately began to make long jumps to reach it. Some engineers were monitoring the impact zone of the Thorn in his side and noticed his presence. Sam did not see them either, and walked rapidly towards the entrance of the hangar.
"I am Sam Fuller, I ask permission to enter a race ... I win! "He went
hangar that had been left open, past the landing point of the shuttle and put in the compartment closure stangna. Azionò closure and slumped to the ground.
"atmosphere in recovery ... wait ..."
Sam had finished the air for at least a minute.
"Process completed"
Sam Fuller quickly took off his helmet and began to breathe avidly.
"Sam, you're three-time champion of the Death Race in Space. 'He said smugly.

Luca Musso, graduate student at the Bologna Film Dams and passionate
comics and genre literature. Occasionally, he works as editor and
Shooting for a small company in Bologna.
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