Riccardo Di Santo
Propose one evening at the theater in Latin America is an event. To emphasize enough the joke recited by most people I have spoken: a "What?" Enlarged by such nuances " No, I do these sad things do not go" (on Saturday evening theater) or the ubiquitous "Why apologize ?!?». We say that the theater, except a few, never earning quite a lot of success under 30 years in our city. Just look at the average age at any one show: most of the audience has over forty right to be optimistic, but I would say that those over 60 are the most significant piece to the naked eye. I think many of us prefer being in freezing in the middle of the road because of the Pub (Via Neghelli for the uninitiated) and do nothing, or close to a local drinking as the only alternative before returning to the house or the white night in the disco. This is because the theater can not become a means of entertainment current, open to most people. A ticket costs, with the student discount, around 20 €, which is equivalent to a pizza and a beer with, on balance most of us prefer drinking with friends and talk nonsense with various, well-earned leisure after a week commitments, rather than "close" to having a cultural reminiscent boring school days. And 'all the difference I think. If you can turn the vision of the play in a form of entertainment "live" that can be developed or even thought to give strength to the community to open new points of view, then the whole can certainly become a form of development for the same company. The greater the participation, the greater the interest, resulting in increased demand for cultural issues. The greater the demand (economics docet) then the greater will become the offer, with the creation of new job opportunities without going to remove the gain to other areas of entertainment (a beer with us after a show is always). Let's think about this possibility, we have nothing to lose except our ignorance.
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