Martina Nasato
In London, the squatters have invaded the vacant houses, including the super-VIP residences of British or not.
For the English law is not a crime: if you find a way to access inside the house without getting caught, it was not liable. Then it is sufficient to guard constantly dwelling occupied as the owner can not access it until someone else inside. English is even guaranteed to squatters legal assistance and technical advice and practical dall'Advisory Service for Squatters (Ass). At first glance it may look like colossal injustice, a violation of property rights, indeed, a serious weakening of the meaning of ownership private. Which seems absurd when one considers the efficiency of English law, very pragmatic, but especially when you consider that England is the home of liberal thought, and that they were just the English thinkers to give the largest contribution to the formation of the concept of "private property". What happens then? What happens is that maybe the question should be viewed in a new light. In England, the culture of the state "welfare" is almost entirely absent, but the Anglo-Saxon society is strongly marked by the pattern of aequum et bonum. " If a house is empty, then the landlord does not need it. It is a luxury, without which it is more able to live fine. If a person needs to occupy a house of another, running the risk of being arrested, he apparently needed a place to live. It is a necessity. So here it reaches equilibrium.
same time, in Italy (with all the differences of the case, of course), the cities are full of empty buildings and apartments unsold. Building contracts, however, continue to be awarded without any criteria, pace of urban development plans. And if someone occupies an apartment and left unsold after its construction in most cases can not even get the recognition dell'usucapione matured.
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