Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pattern Draft Dog Excluder

Free to head in a free state

Pierpaolo Capezzera

"Freedom is looking for which is so dear, As knoweth he who life for her." These verses of Dante's Purgatory, reported Cato the Uticense may be the emblem of what's happening in North Africa. These riots, which, in a few days, they are changing the political structure of the Mediterranean and influencing the whole world, are different from the great revolutions of the past and, in general, the traditional idea of \u200b\u200b"revolution." Indeed, to arm themselves and take to the streets are university students and their professors, that is, that world learned that through education, has had the cultural tools and technology that have allowed him to circumvent all the complaints, to read and interpret the Indeed, going beyond counterfeiting schemes. The media have talked about a revolution "computer", that is an organization of the uprising through the different channels of the network, such as social networks, blogs and sites built ad hoc, which would have created a great breadth of interconnections among the population. But clearly not so and that data in hand, the network has played a role, but certainly not decisive. What, however, was crucial in my opinion, is that the artists of the riots of recent days have been driven not only, or not always, by the need to "fill the belly," but also by deeper motivations: the fight against corruption (which in those countries is equal to the Italian one), will to decide their fate and, more generally, the desire for true freedom, not its substitute "given" schemes. This kind of revolution, a revolution of culture, can be compared to Plato's "Myth of the Cave", contained within the Republic : according to the Athenian philosopher, in fact, the man would be like a slave chained inside a cave, with his face to the bottom, and everything he sees and feels is just a reflection, a shadow of what is real, and that is live outside the cave, but that leaves its projection on bottom of the cave. He is the philosopher, the man wise, get rid of his chains and get out, get to know the truth. At the beginning it will be dazzled by the light, too strong for his eyes accustomed to darkness. But once past this obstacle, he will see the reality as it is. Arrived at that point, his fate will be to fall into the cave and try to free the other men, but did not believe him and will remain in darkness and ignorance of the Good. We hope that this revolution, that these "enlightened" do not make the same purpose, but fail to break the chains of lies and come, together, to the knowledge of equality and freedom.


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