Claudia Giannini
was 1965 when Herbert Marcuse, in "The tolerance repressive "and before that in" The One-Dimensional Man "acknowledged that the peoples of the Third World in general and African peoples the status of the new revolutionary class. Together, students, immigrants, the unemployed, in short to all sections of society and the rise in social integration are closed or difficult. Is far-sighted to say today, casting a blind eye to what is happening in the Maghreb countries. A domino effect that is uprooting, from the bottom, dictatorial systems that for decades held in check the populations of North Africa, the first of the Gaddafi regime. The same friendly regime in our country, thanks to the diplomacy of our President to be seated Council, so as to enable the Colonel's pride for having made Italy a compensation for years of colonial control. Leaving aside the possible international implications, which are nevertheless essential, what you need to pause is the weight of values \u200b\u200band social events that have North Africa. If we consider the situation of immobility democratic and participatory stalemate that concerns our country, they do reflect the protests in Libya or Tunisia, where the dramatic advances for people to claim their rights for too long denied.
only glimmer of rebellion here in Italy, compared to a dictatorial system in my view in a quiet and subtle, we have had with students in the streets. That's almost like a prophecy, the words of Marcuse back on top. Then, if we look back to the riots Rosarno immigrants that there are more to suffer harassment and discrimination, the picture is complete.
only flaw in the philosopher of the Frankfurt School is that, although intended as demonstrations and riots are taking place, does not tell us how to turn the dissatisfaction, the upheaval and revolution, in an alternative system that reconciles the needs of most diverse social actors.
The problem ultimately is just that. Okay the revolt, is enough to revolution, but this blood must become better, not the passing of the baton from a dictatorship to a military dictatorship, perhaps even foreign, disguised as a peace mission.
The hope then is that social actors responsible for movements, fail to develop a predisposition to democracy comes from within, limiting the interference to an instrument of foreign aid, compared to a project and wanted by contextualized ' inside each country.
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