Martina Nasato
In the forthcoming local elections also will have its capital Pontine Movement 5 Stars. The "cultural-political movement" (note: not a "party") launched in 2008 by Beppe Grillo has received acclaim throughout Italy, especially in the Centre-North.
The group of Latin America was born five years ago through the platform of the "Meetup", whereby Beppe Grillo has enabled people with a similar worldview, to meet and discuss in order to produce initiatives and projects for social regeneration of their territory. In Latin America in particular, members of the Meetup have been protagonists of the campaign Water Common Good (for a return to public management of water supply), organized two "V-Day" (the first for a Parliament "clean" and the second for freedom of information). Have addressed and continue to work on renewable energy, sustainable transport not only provides for parking meters and fake, a real door to door collection and a clear opposition to return to nuclear power.
The Civic Party who was born is composed of citizens Common criminal record, which are now rare. Because, although it is true that a notice of today "they receive all" and that it is still innocent until proven guilty, we should avoid other addictive state of things in constant decline. We expect better, and if we are given better, we take the opportunity.
Proposals Movement 5 Stars Latin America are real and sustainable, unlike many of the projects submitted so far and never realized, or made in biblical times with exorbitant costs.
themselves say "The Movement 5 Stars Latina is proposed as the only real alternative to the bad administration of our city, "bad administration that has thrown our city the last places in national rankings on crime, quality of life services to citizens.
The invitation to all is to inform and, if possible, participate actively in the upcoming initiatives of the movement, visit the website www.latina5stelle.it .
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