Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Can You Become Infertile If You Get Chicken Pox

Stefano Pietrosanti
We start from the etymological sense of the word aesthetics: the ability to hear. Is to say, aesthetics is the first channel to enter into communication with the context in which it is immersed, to affect this and to respond to the pressures that this gives us. Forcing a while, you could say that laws like those Democrats who live dialogue between members formalized by law, legal systems are based on aesthetics.
In another sense, more narrowly, the word expresses the concept of aesthetic ability to feel beautiful. Assume then a relative size, because that feeling is subject to acceptance and development of a set of rules of thumb to follow. In this sense, one can easily see the political dimension of the concept of aesthetics are made of all social boundaries, as the political space is bordered on the strength of symbols, rituals, myths and shared reminiscences of sensations that form the common feeling of those who are part of any civilized community.
Now, we can say that Italy, from the sixties until the eighties, has lived through a period of anesthetic, a period that has deprived it of its ability to hear. Without specific projects of common life, his life was largely benefit the well-being ensured by economic growth modulated by a generous welfare state and the American shield that blocked the suffocating pressure of autocracy Soviet east. Personally I do not like generalizations, for that very reason I work in economics, a science that works well when and if he can distinguish the causes, contributing factors and hidden motives of a phenomenon, but I think that a language of symbols is most appropriate for this context. And what better living symbol of that period unless Mr Andreotti?
Net of all the darkest suspicions, the main fault is that I ascribe it was exactly that: a monument to anesthesia and at the same time the embodiment of great national anesthesia. Gray dress by the motto "to live better pull that kick the bucket", the visual representation of a world that is not compressed between the monstrous bomb, the helplessness of being caught between the two blocs, the tacit view of democracy as a to give as a compromise acceptable to the management of power, with the advantage of tone down any confrontation.
dint of little steps and phrases such poisonous to a trembling voice, all this has sterilized bedding the Republic, leaving the empty skin in spite of the efforts of a Pertini and other white flies that have lived liberal democracy and republican as what it actually is: one of many revolutionary ideals, in my opinion, the most noble.
Since gaps do not remain long in nature free, open space (anesthetized) of feeling was soon occupied by Berlusconi's clique and that this represented a level of morality. I do not want my criticism of sdilinquirmi quest'estetica now even more so new, I just goes to transpose on paper a concept ripe for some time: I consider myself a left-liberal, so progressive, but I am convinced that my distaste for Mr Berlusconi has a root of all conservative. Conservative thing? Republican and revolutionary aesthetics of the ideal public that this brings with it. For this I am convinced of two things: first, that my opposition all'andazzo of things is pre-political and trans-political, mostly aesthetic opposition, and secondly, that we can safely say, with a bon mot that Berlusconi is a continuation of Andreotti by other means.
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Alessandro Lanzi
Recently, the main problem afflicting Italy seems, according to this Government, Justice. The urgency and the need to reform the criminal trial and the desire to change the constitution, under the various governments of Berlusconi, have not ever gone into the background.
course we must recognize that our system of justice is not the greatest efficiency and that certainly requires proper review by legal proceedings. But we must certainly admit that our country has greater evils: the economic crisis, which involves all the people and businesses, education and the future students, social security (about 3 deaths per day and thousands of white patients because of work per year), the pension system, the power of mafia associations, which since 2004 have increased their influence in the Italian 50%, preservation of cultural heritage and raped by more concrete and ignorance. These are just a few of the issues that concern all Italians, but are those to which a civilized country with a government attention to public policy would take precedence.
problems that have their least common multiple of the word "public".
Justice, which is also of paramount public importance, requires a long time for adequate review, and a wide agreements developed within the courts. All this now seems to be lacking, given the recent statements of the Seals, who intends to make the review of 18 articles of the Constitution (of course those on the Judiciary) in a year and a half. Moreover, what more serious intentions to reform the social approach is not the issue, but the need to find a loophole forced all the legal problems that the Knight. Now only those poor Italians who really think that he is a persecuted can share these maneuvers, but I hope that if the referendum should be held to approve the constitutional texts, Italians prevail to the power of transparency and legality.
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Andrea Passamonti
On March 17, should know by now even the stones, marks the sesquicentennial of the Unification of Italy. There is no reason to dwell too much on why take part in this commemoration, enough lines have been written about more than reasonable. Rather, it is necessary to add something about how.
In recent days, abandoning the argument put forth by some green shirt, you is passed to yet another conflict between proponents of the establishment as a national holiday on March 17 one-off and who, citing economic reasons, asked not to lose a day's work, especially in a period of economic stagnation as the current one. He checked, as we know, the first front, but not without controversy and certainly not without some distorted what were the reasons for the party.
The most obvious consequence of the decision of the Council of Ministers, not to lose the hand has decided to establish a national holiday by decree law, one can understand if you look at the problem from simple schoolchildren. Scolari, of course, not because this is a math problem or logic, history or philosophy, but simply because the students are likely to feel less recurrence. Next Thursday
schools and universities will be closed. No type of activities will be organized on the day of the Unit. True, there are (rare) cases of schools that have organized and will organize seminars, conferences and lectures on the drive, but all this, however laudable, will be at a different date than the one you want to remember. For most, March 17 will simply be the day that you will not go to school. Some say that the young man who sees suddenly break the school routine wonders why this "hole" unexpected, impressing in his head the day of the Unit. If so, however, does not explain the services of Tg annually show that dozens of young people falling from the clouds to be asked or what to celebrate on June 2 April 25.
A better solution would be to organize a day co-managed by students and teachers dedicated to the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy. In this way, without any obligation, could have been involved in making even the young people who will probably Thursday under the covers. For the others, who like Italy you awake, you just have to take a stroll in the Public Gardens, who brought a bouquet of flowers to Mazzini and Garibaldi.
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The March 17 national holiday will not only in Italy but also in green Ireland. Next Thursday, as every year, we celebrate Saint Patrick's Day Pub Doolin el'Irish could not join the celebrations with an evening all Irish beers traditional local way Adua will add the music of The Shire, which is no coincidence using the classic instruments of Irish music. After celebrating our Unit, the appointment is certainly not to Doolin lose.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Martina Nasato
In the forthcoming local elections also will have its capital Pontine Movement 5 Stars. The "cultural-political movement" (note: not a "party") launched in 2008 by Beppe Grillo has received acclaim throughout Italy, especially in the Centre-North.
The group of Latin America was born five years ago through the platform of the "Meetup", whereby Beppe Grillo has enabled people with a similar worldview, to meet and discuss in order to produce initiatives and projects for social regeneration of their territory. In Latin America in particular, members of the Meetup have been protagonists of the campaign Water Common Good (for a return to public management of water supply), organized two "V-Day" (the first for a Parliament "clean" and the second for freedom of information). Have addressed and continue to work on renewable energy, sustainable transport not only provides for parking meters and fake, a real door to door collection and a clear opposition to return to nuclear power.
The Civic Party who was born is composed of citizens Common criminal record, which are now rare. Because, although it is true that a notice of today "they receive all" and that it is still innocent until proven guilty, we should avoid other addictive state of things in constant decline. We expect better, and if we are given better, we take the opportunity.
Proposals Movement 5 Stars Latin America are real and sustainable, unlike many of the projects submitted so far and never realized, or made in biblical times with exorbitant costs.
themselves say "The Movement 5 Stars Latina is proposed as the only real alternative to the bad administration of our city, "bad administration that has thrown our city the last places in national rankings on crime, quality of life services to citizens.
The invitation to all is to inform and, if possible, participate actively in the upcoming initiatives of the movement, visit the website .
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Appeals April 2011
The midterm of the course of Laboratory of Physics II (I module)
will be held on the following dates: 12
April : 09:30 hours
April 13: 9:30 hours
Laboratory in Building 521 U5
Anyone wishing to take the exam is requested to enter their name in
doodle at the following link
indicating a preference for the day of the test.
The text of the exercises to be carried out is published here:
File for the years of data analysis: data
Please note that:
- NOT need to register for this midterm by SIFA
- The examination will be the day is chosen and will consist in the discussion of the exercises (more details in the text of the examination) and in statistical applications.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Claudia Giannini
was 1965 when Herbert Marcuse, in "The tolerance repressive "and before that in" The One-Dimensional Man "acknowledged that the peoples of the Third World in general and African peoples the status of the new revolutionary class. Together, students, immigrants, the unemployed, in short to all sections of society and the rise in social integration are closed or difficult. Is far-sighted to say today, casting a blind eye to what is happening in the Maghreb countries. A domino effect that is uprooting, from the bottom, dictatorial systems that for decades held in check the populations of North Africa, the first of the Gaddafi regime. The same friendly regime in our country, thanks to the diplomacy of our President to be seated Council, so as to enable the Colonel's pride for having made Italy a compensation for years of colonial control. Leaving aside the possible international implications, which are nevertheless essential, what you need to pause is the weight of values \u200b\u200band social events that have North Africa. If we consider the situation of immobility democratic and participatory stalemate that concerns our country, they do reflect the protests in Libya or Tunisia, where the dramatic advances for people to claim their rights for too long denied.
only glimmer of rebellion here in Italy, compared to a dictatorial system in my view in a quiet and subtle, we have had with students in the streets. That's almost like a prophecy, the words of Marcuse back on top. Then, if we look back to the riots Rosarno immigrants that there are more to suffer harassment and discrimination, the picture is complete.
only flaw in the philosopher of the Frankfurt School is that, although intended as demonstrations and riots are taking place, does not tell us how to turn the dissatisfaction, the upheaval and revolution, in an alternative system that reconciles the needs of most diverse social actors.
The problem ultimately is just that. Okay the revolt, is enough to revolution, but this blood must become better, not the passing of the baton from a dictatorship to a military dictatorship, perhaps even foreign, disguised as a peace mission.
The hope then is that social actors responsible for movements, fail to develop a predisposition to democracy comes from within, limiting the interference to an instrument of foreign aid, compared to a project and wanted by contextualized ' inside each country.
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Martina Nasato
In London, the squatters have invaded the vacant houses, including the super-VIP residences of British or not.
For the English law is not a crime: if you find a way to access inside the house without getting caught, it was not liable. Then it is sufficient to guard constantly dwelling occupied as the owner can not access it until someone else inside. English is even guaranteed to squatters legal assistance and technical advice and practical dall'Advisory Service for Squatters (Ass). At first glance it may look like colossal injustice, a violation of property rights, indeed, a serious weakening of the meaning of ownership private. Which seems absurd when one considers the efficiency of English law, very pragmatic, but especially when you consider that England is the home of liberal thought, and that they were just the English thinkers to give the largest contribution to the formation of the concept of "private property". What happens then? What happens is that maybe the question should be viewed in a new light. In England, the culture of the state "welfare" is almost entirely absent, but the Anglo-Saxon society is strongly marked by the pattern of aequum et bonum. " If a house is empty, then the landlord does not need it. It is a luxury, without which it is more able to live fine. If a person needs to occupy a house of another, running the risk of being arrested, he apparently needed a place to live. It is a necessity. So here it reaches equilibrium.
same time, in Italy (with all the differences of the case, of course), the cities are full of empty buildings and apartments unsold. Building contracts, however, continue to be awarded without any criteria, pace of urban development plans. And if someone occupies an apartment and left unsold after its construction in most cases can not even get the recognition dell'usucapione matured.
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Lucia Orlacchio
images of the fall of the Berlin Wall are in the memory of all of us: November 9, 1989 the citizens of East Berlin in mass climbed over the fence cement for 28 years separated the two Germanies, to reach the West. We will begin the process of disintegration of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republick, DDR), the socialist state was born in 1949 under the direct influence of the Soviet Union who settled here with his troops on the pretext of DDR defend the capitalist from the threat of USA during the Cold War.
While DDR has now fallen for many years, there's still a matrix in German culture and particularly in contemporary cinema : there are many filmmakers today are inspired by the German socialist regime and that this complaint system, horrors and crimes or remember it gloomily lifestyle and habits with particular feeling nostalgic for the East Gemany, defined Ostalgie . "Good Bye, Lenin!" (Becker, 2003) is one of the films where you can find many of the clichés of 'Ostalgie: East Germany is seen with regret so blind and naive as to be forgotten are the traits of dictatorial socialist regime and enhanced the illusion of calm and order to a life controlled by the government.
On the other hand the control of the life of citizens is contextualized in a climate of terror in the film "The Lives of Others" in 2006: director von Donnersmarck is well documented in the tension felt in the 80s by artists and intellectuals in the performance of all their activities closely monitored by the Stasi, the secret police of the GDR that dealt with security and intelligence. In this case, the language of film documents and reconstructs the "age of suspicion" paying considerable attention to the psychology of all individuals included in the system and therefore also of the same members of the Stasi.
E 'therefore clear that the GDR no longer exists, but only politically: the German Democratic Republic in fact continues to live in German cultural memory that still needs to dig into the past to re-establish the foundations of their identity.
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Matteo Napolitano
On Wednesday, March 9 '11 at the "Civic Archaeological museum of ancient Norba" Norma (LT) at 17 there will be a meeting entitled "Juno at Norba, the goddess of women. "
During the week of the feast of the woman, a good reason to rediscover the historical and archaeological aspects of Roman religion and, in particular, to analyze the figure of the goddess Juno and her relationship with the female world.
The museum entrance is free. Join the crowd!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Pierpaolo Capezzera
"Freedom is looking for which is so dear, As knoweth he who life for her." These verses of Dante's Purgatory, reported Cato the Uticense may be the emblem of what's happening in North Africa. These riots, which, in a few days, they are changing the political structure of the Mediterranean and influencing the whole world, are different from the great revolutions of the past and, in general, the traditional idea of \u200b\u200b"revolution." Indeed, to arm themselves and take to the streets are university students and their professors, that is, that world learned that through education, has had the cultural tools and technology that have allowed him to circumvent all the complaints, to read and interpret the Indeed, going beyond counterfeiting schemes. The media have talked about a revolution "computer", that is an organization of the uprising through the different channels of the network, such as social networks, blogs and sites built ad hoc, which would have created a great breadth of interconnections among the population. But clearly not so and that data in hand, the network has played a role, but certainly not decisive. What, however, was crucial in my opinion, is that the artists of the riots of recent days have been driven not only, or not always, by the need to "fill the belly," but also by deeper motivations: the fight against corruption (which in those countries is equal to the Italian one), will to decide their fate and, more generally, the desire for true freedom, not its substitute "given" schemes. This kind of revolution, a revolution of culture, can be compared to Plato's "Myth of the Cave", contained within the Republic : according to the Athenian philosopher, in fact, the man would be like a slave chained inside a cave, with his face to the bottom, and everything he sees and feels is just a reflection, a shadow of what is real, and that is live outside the cave, but that leaves its projection on bottom of the cave. He is the philosopher, the man wise, get rid of his chains and get out, get to know the truth. At the beginning it will be dazzled by the light, too strong for his eyes accustomed to darkness. But once past this obstacle, he will see the reality as it is. Arrived at that point, his fate will be to fall into the cave and try to free the other men, but did not believe him and will remain in darkness and ignorance of the Good. We hope that this revolution, that these "enlightened" do not make the same purpose, but fail to break the chains of lies and come, together, to the knowledge of equality and freedom.
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Matteo Napolitano
On Saturday, March 5 '11 18:00 pm at the auditorium of the high school state "GB Grassi" in Latin, via St. Augustine, 9, The event will commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the first space flight of Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
There are numerous and, for those who wish, a visit to the planetarium located on site from 18.30 to 21.30.
The Agrone, thanks to the cooperation with the organizer Prof. event. Enzo Bonacci, will be present with a stand within the institution and available for any information about the activities carried out from 2008 to today as the voice of youth and spokesperson of the Pontine.
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Riccardo Di Santo
Propose one evening at the theater in Latin America is an event. To emphasize enough the joke recited by most people I have spoken: a "What?" Enlarged by such nuances " No, I do these sad things do not go" (on Saturday evening theater) or the ubiquitous "Why apologize ?!?». We say that the theater, except a few, never earning quite a lot of success under 30 years in our city. Just look at the average age at any one show: most of the audience has over forty right to be optimistic, but I would say that those over 60 are the most significant piece to the naked eye. I think many of us prefer being in freezing in the middle of the road because of the Pub (Via Neghelli for the uninitiated) and do nothing, or close to a local drinking as the only alternative before returning to the house or the white night in the disco. This is because the theater can not become a means of entertainment current, open to most people. A ticket costs, with the student discount, around 20 €, which is equivalent to a pizza and a beer with, on balance most of us prefer drinking with friends and talk nonsense with various, well-earned leisure after a week commitments, rather than "close" to having a cultural reminiscent boring school days. And 'all the difference I think. If you can turn the vision of the play in a form of entertainment "live" that can be developed or even thought to give strength to the community to open new points of view, then the whole can certainly become a form of development for the same company. The greater the participation, the greater the interest, resulting in increased demand for cultural issues. The greater the demand (economics docet) then the greater will become the offer, with the creation of new job opportunities without going to remove the gain to other areas of entertainment (a beer with us after a show is always). Let's think about this possibility, we have nothing to lose except our ignorance.
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Matteo Napolitano
"I go, I go back and kill you," this seems to be the guiding moral Western last masterpiece of the brothers Joel and Ethan Coen which lies, in my opinion, one of the best films in circulation.
The conditions are all very valid: "The Grit" (Jeff Bridges), "Rooster" Cougborn, is an old trigger-happy federal agent soaked in whiskey, smoke and cold blood that is hired by the young Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld ), tenacious and intelligent young girl of fourteen, to hunt down Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin) who wanders the murderess of her father to Arkansas in the company of "Lucky" Ned Pepper (Barry Pepper) and his gang. In the footsteps of the fearsome Chaney is also LeBouef (Matt Damon), a Walker Texas Ranger who wants to catch the criminal because of the large size hanging over his head after the murder of a Texas senator. For obvious coincidences of fate determination and will to meet with Matt to LeBouef for a succession of very exciting events related to the desire for revenge and personal glory of the protagonists.
Try to plot this season full of names and nicknames, in true Western style, with the classic environment of earth, wind, guns and "Saloons" I assure you, that's it.
The film is adapted from text by Charles Portis ("The Grit"), already the subject of inspiration that led to Henry Hathaway John Wayne Oscar, of which the Coens have given a re-reading classic and faithful without neglecting, however, their inclinations for example, the frank and direct way to read the violence.
Perhaps because of this, we can say, "true original" the film is well suited to our times.
Monday, February 21, 2011
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Riccardo Di Santo
While our city is committed to living day by day in the sleepy town typical of the provincial-level government, the mayors of all the provincial capitals of Italy met to discuss the design of fiscal federalism and state property. Why You see, while here we talk about civic lists, or Moscardelli De Marchis and one throttled between "Fazzoniani" and ex-An, the world, but even our country is always the same, go ahead. Now the questions are two: what is the role assigned to the city of Latina and her community (ie the Pontine plain)? But above all, be a role that we have consciously chosen, or one that is imposed on us and which we will have to adapt? We do not know really anything about what awaits us (unless these are not rumors). We do not know if we have a chance to grow and increase our social and political weight in their communities and national or remain in a perpetual cultural and economic recession. Federalism poses a huge amount of responsibility on us all, and if Rome, with the establishment of "Rome Capital", has already been subject to state funding of him, we as a city what we have planned, designed or arranged for our future ? We will be a dormitory town for the Romans, a university town or we can extrapolate a way that allows us to self-improvement plans without being at the mercy of others? Then on top there is the speech the scope of taxation: what is the municipal tax by virtue of the advent of federalism? I remember with pain the picture of city councilors who, laughing, happy as leaving school, walked in the arcades of Piazza del Popolo without any consciousness of the consequences for our city, left without a guide when it was most important that now. What mattered to them, so they can not see beyond the parking lots of the bypass pluridebitrice assigned to a company, not to mention such subjects wide-ranging design projects for our future! We begin to ask questions and give us answers as Latinensi or, if you will, Pontini. E 'game in our becoming a city of south-central worthy of the name can influence its model with other national or a provincial town from which it escapes to search for a different reality that offers chances for the future. Let with the start to take such other demographic reality equal to us, not only Italian, and create a project similar to this feedback to our territory and our reality.
Ps covered parking at the station and various gatherings of Alpine, Sharpshooters and Red Cross nurses are not considered first steps if not older than 30 years!
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Claudia Giannini
This year he won the poetry. Roberta Flack took him to the stage of the Ariston. He has taken away the sentimental songs of Fashion and turn once won the real music. "Call me love again, a simple and direct way, but that hides a text full of thoughtful ideas. An eye to the reality of our Italy, between ideals and young people who do not surrender the streets. A heartfelt hymn to the passion of ideas, the dignity of work, humanity of man.
Roberta Flack's victory is so great. For the first true song, done by a real piano and a text rich in content. Second because it can be interpreted as the symbol of an art that does not bow to the system. And I mean system the vicious trade finds its greatest expression in the Sanremo Festival in recent years, where he said Valerio Scanu with a song that is nothing short of obvious, while the orchestra scores disgusted launched into the air.
The Italians have won the art. Only regret the fact that to speak of art we should look back to a songwriter regalatoci the seventies and until today still come with pearls to give us. In the meantime young people see the same or Emma Anna Tatangelo, we voted to form, which is also important, forgetting that any form of art is above all an expression of content and communication. That young people have little to express disappointment in love apart? Absolutely not. And they are an example of the many talented groups unknown to the general public, but appreciated by the people of such websites. Simply put, the music market rewards the combination of text and not very demanding stage presence, dressed up with vocal virtuosity. And who wants to emerge, although the contents gave them to us, choose to leave them at home to adapt to the required target of superficiality.
why Flack is a failure. Comes from the past with a rich music and light on the commercial says. For once the Italians have rewarded the poetry.
What is the awakening of art bodes well for the revival of the company.
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Stefano Pietrosanti
-bond seems to speak of and stars showing more than a passing fad, a brilliant idea or a handkerchief pocket to show off in the ministerial meeting. At first glance it might seem a good sign, especially for proponents of a European state that is not afraid of itself and protect its citizens. But let us reflect together.
A warning him to be Professor Spaventa in his speech at a recent conference on fiscal risks La Sapienza University in Rome, making (and making) the question: "What are e-bonds to fund these?"
Why the most popular hypothesis is that these European bonds serve to renew a fraction of pre-existing national debts, becoming part of the solvency insurance to investors and partly continental instruments of a market for credit facilities which the Member may access to refinance a certain amount of debt, maybe - I'm thinking - the new marginal share, or more at risk and more difficult to finance.
Even this could be a step forward, but there is a gap between such an operation and a European debt issuance to finance European projects that tomorrow will make life easier for EU citizens, users of the large continental services built with the effort - at least financial - of all.
The problem, as ever clear and obvious, it's damn dangerous to bring together institutions of small, often powerless and resentful as always our national homeland, with a theoretical mastodon-Union but is represented by a political class normally quiescent and defeatist, it looks too many times to herself as entitled not by will of the majority of European citizens, but the indulgence of nations. In such a situation, with the push and pull inherent in a painful crisis in the long run, it appears possible that the short-term thinking of the rulers become - through a federal institution which would be a truly European public debt - bad in Europe -company of their dysfunctional parents.
If you make a debt mainland, but the legitimacy of the democratic decision of last instance is at the national level, one might start to a morass of lawsuits over who should pay what. So the EU institutions put their face in the markets without asking for a modicum of sovereignty over and above without having a clear voice and ready to defend them if, in a not too distant future, someone tried to pass it off as "leeches seeking interest, plucking the poor defenseless nations, "nonsense that already seems to feel in the mouth of those who can maintain that it is not harmful, and even desirable for a possible return to national currencies.
There a fundamental question that the Europeans should take in its concreteness annoying: their democratic vote leading to the election of persons who are less able to change the popular legitimacy that is given a share in government policy. Governments that can not govern, or who can not give concrete shape to the popular will and rational, they tend to legitimize the role of parliaments in snatch, or believe they are repositories of sovereignty, when instead of sovereignty should be and performers; hence, to preserve its role as a ruling class as such (once said oligarchies) pace is very quick and maybe already made.
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Matteo Napolitano
On Friday, February 25th '11 at 20:30 at the cinema Oxer Viale PL Nervi in \u200b\u200bLatin America, there will be a meeting -discussion with the director Gianfranco Pannone and Ambrose Sparagna hundred and fifty years on the unification of Italy.
Following the film will be screened "But that story: the first 150 years of Italy" by G. Pannone.
Admission is free and then race in!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Fabrizio Brass
arrived unannounced, announced only by a zigzag trail of dust and sand. Ronaldo at supersonic speeds, the Beep Beep came from Brazil, advanced along the football field that already looked like the desert of the Grand Canyon. And called for advancing the roars from the stands, advancing overwhelming opponent's defenders, who were hardly the time to realize that "that guy" was gone already, and to them, unfortunate Willie Coyote in turn, had only to raise the cartel with the words "The End" and wait for the credits, which inevitably came when, also discarded goalkeeper, Beep Beep deposited the ball in back of the net. The phenomenon, called him. He smiled and went back to those great teeth already look like a cartoon, fast, brilliant and unpredictable. How to describe Ronaldo who've probably never seen him play? You could tell a striker without equal, without a doubt the best player in 50 years after Maradona, but not sufficient. One could describe his play, the double step intoxicating, powerful shooting, dribbling never trivial, but the shots that ended up not powerful nell'angolino invariably low, you learn. The opponents were not to be humiliated for dummies cliccatissima video on youtube, like so many use today, were simply obstacles in a straight line that stands between him and the goal. And a lot of goals Ronaldo marks a very young age: a 21 year old top scorer with Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen the blitz Massimo Moratti pays out clause of 48 billion pounds to take him to Inter, the Juggernaut returns dragging the team in a romp UEFA Cup title and a touch more for non-football factors for real superiority of Juventus. Also won the Golden Ball, then a year later comes the first serious tendon injury in his right knee. They spend six months, but the return match against Lazio the knee is again crack after six minutes, and Ronaldo's career seems over. And instead, after two years of rehabilitation in 2002 part-time to lead Brazil to victory in World South Korea-Japan and get his second Golden Ball. He then transferred to Real Madrid, where he won the championship and the top scorer. Here are two more years on top, then the obvious weight problems and numerous injuries to the former phenomenon require a continued decline in the parenthesis of a year and a half in his return to AC Milan and Brazil to Corinthians. And from St. Paul yesterday announced his retirement, saying: "I stop because I can not do more, but I can not think of an action as I would like to do it. E 'was still good in a crazy manner. " All that we can add, Ronnie, is that it was great for us.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Cartier Trinity Diamond Ring

Martina Nasato
Parco San Marco is a large green area just outside the ring road of the capital of Latium, near the hospital. Used mainly by citizens to jog or take a walk the dogs, has long been semi-abandoned to itself in a state of progressive degradation, slowed by periodic (as summary) works in the garden. Young people "vandals" who inhabit this vast park at all hours of day and night are all too familiar to residents of the neighborhood, not to mention drug addicts, syringes used to give the beds. There is a reason, therefore, if the potential of the area have not yet been fully exploited, if the parents are unwilling to take the kids to play there and if nobody has ever bothered to groped a work of "cleaning ". Fortunately, there are battles that are being undertaken not for the certainty of victory, but for the nobility of their aims. Thinking about the importance of green areas (very low and Malten in Latin) and the meaning of "public" (that's all, and not of anyone, as many mistakenly believe), a group of volunteers met in the morning Saturday, February 12 to create a "free vegetables" in a large bed of the park, rather isolated. A real action of "Guerrilla Gardening", the international movement to free gardening, which promotes direct action and non-violent protest, but most of the proposal. Fifteen young trees, fruit and were buried during the morning, complete with a label that indicates the type of plant and how it should be treated. The initiative has inevitably caught the attention of passers-by and received great acclaim and enthusiasm by local residents. They said they were skeptical about the success of the project, because of frequent vandalism, but willing to actively engage in the maintenance and preservation the small garden. The volunteers have produced a short guide, which urged all citizens to enjoy the fruits of the garden in moderation, but, in parallel, to care for it, and maybe even expand it. One rule, no chemistry. Are only allowed to fertilize organic waste products in house, banned pesticides and fertilizers. "Free garden of San Marco Park" is not yet recognized by the institutions on the other hand, as Voltaire said, "Men argue, nature acts." However we hope that recognition takes place as soon as possible, taking with them the appropriate protection for this first step towards re-training.
Duplicity Of Feminism

Andrea Passamonti
unpleasant surprise on finding that someone all the fuss raised by Putin's bed could be reduced to a simple dispute between two prototypes: who should be in bed with the President of Council and who you might look good from it. This seems to be thinking of the ladies interviewed at the entrance of the Teatro Dal Verme, shortly before attending the event sponsored by the Sheet Giuliano Ferrara. But I will not speak of the event. Not to snub, mind you, but simply because I got to see just a small part and it would be incorrect to extrapolate from that side a whole which may be different. Some words are but a duty.
In a democracy, a consistency of thought is a must: you can not argue the opposite of what has been called one hour before, otherwise it is not possible to discuss rationally. So be contrary to the common sense that the old raddled appreciates the loving choice of the President, but maybe it's just out of the parish of the district where they condemned the use of condoms and the copula is not aimed at procreation. I want to forget, just for pride, being able to participate in Family Day
was mentioned neopuritanesimo hypocrite. If this is true (And probably is on both sides), then the exponents of this new trend are not so much in the audience who wants to condemn this trend.
The Argentines have a happy expression to denote a man consistent in one piece: vertical hombre. Much of the Italians, probably because of another hemisphere, rather than horizontal position. This creates a prostitution that is primarily intellectual, and only secondarily physical. The dictator is not Berlusconi, as argued in many, but Our Lady of Hypocrisy. And just look around, without spying through the keyhole, to see that in the secret Our Lady of rooms you are not using a condom.
Cervical Mucus Just Before You Menstruate

Martina Nasato
"Recess" is a project promoted by Radioluna and built by a group of students from the Liceo Classico "Alighieri" in Latin. Under the guidance of two speakers, sponsors of the project (Peter Giannelli and Walter Viti), fifty boys, divided into four groups, are discovering how a radio broadcast in its entirety, from the choice of topics, assembly , the voice-over. Each group will attend the site of Radioluna for three afternoons a week, learning to learn and use programs for managing audio files, to the complete development of its own radio format, which lasts about an hour. The activity will last until mid-April, and the participating groups will compete to win through votes cast by the public, a prizes from various sponsors. Saturday, February 12 aired the format produced by the first group, "Sex sense," dedicated to love in all its phases. A nice prelude to Valentine's Day, which will be sent a reply Saturday 19.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Connecticut Valley Arms
• The defender has only one platoon hidden. Also hides two minefields and 2 snipers.
• The game features the svolgersid ello scenario 2 times, roles reversed.
• The winner will be those who complete the reclamation in the least number of initiatives.

striker quickly lose the CP of Engineers because of a sniper and divides them into two groups
The group's most advanced defense leads the platoon to discover its own initiative to intercept .
The bulk of the attacking troops, no engineers, trying to move forward but is stopped by a second land mine.
are needed 10 initiatives to clean up the area.
errors are numerous, and given the inexperience of the attackers (who lose an entire platoon of engineers) this augur well for the playability of the scenario.